Thursday, January 31, 2013

B+/A- (ish) in Good Girl

Time for my weekly progress report. Not a hopelessly bad week. I didn't take my meds at all this week, and I skipped one reading for class. I also skipped one of my classes today. But I had a really good reason. I  also had no intentions of skipping and went to the other classes, something just...came up. Not sure if it should count so I am ranking myself somewhere between an A- and a B+.

I did finally declare my third minor and apply for graduation this week so that was good. I also succeeded quite well not being self-destructive in the black whole of negativity that is my townhouse this week. All 5 housemates are in horrible moods. Only other reason that maybe it was a B+ is I am way to nice, leant several friends and family members money and who knows if I will get it back. I know better than this!!

Now for my superly exciting news!!!!!!!!!!! I should be see J somewhere near a month from now! I am one happy happy happy young lady. He told me I should start taking behaving seriously  but except maybe a touch of insolence, I have been a pretty good girl and shouldn't be getting a bad spanking. I did mention in the last post needing a spanking, which I think I am allowed to change my mind on if I so choice when it comes closer. I am hoping its a seeing him for the whole weekend thing. Granted a normal person's weekend not mine which goes from 4:30 on thursday to 12 on Tuesday because I crammed tuesday, wednesday and thursday with 4 classes, two independent studies, 3 meetings, and 12 hours of work. But I am one happy happy girl, assuming there is no really harsh spanking. I am not silly enough to think there will be no spankings. He likes my bum too much :) There will be posts about said spankings I am sure

Going with friends tomorrow to get our noses pierced (possibly still contemplating it) and to our favorite feminist friendly sex toy shop. And it is pay day tomorrow as well!

Going to be a good weekend in general.

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