Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Rae's Random Ramblings 101

Hi! My name is Rae, sort of anyway.I am a 22 year old college senior. In five days I move back to school to embark on my final semester of undergrad. I have been in an...interesting relationship throughout my entire time at school. It has fluctuated as to just what it is, I am sure I will discuss it more in the future, but the one thing that has always remained the same is that we practice Domestic Discipline.

I had a blog several months ago (Lexan Motivation) but got rid of it as I updated it sporadically, used it in a passive aggressive way at times to tell Jay things I was uncomfortable saying to him, and I never proof read before I posted. I intend on fixing at least two of those problems. I am hoping to write something twice a week, and I am determined to quit being passive aggressive or uncomfortable with Jay, plus it bugged me he never commented anyway. I also intend on proof reading, but my grammar is rather bad. I am quite smart and get good marks, but commas and I just do not get along. I also wrote and commented on blogs as "Percussionchic" though considering I haven't played music since Freshman year, first semester, that too seemed outdated. (You can find me on fetlife under that still though.)

I will mostly be writing about two things on this blog as noted in the description, my last semester of college and TTWD. I really want to have the best semester yet, so I want to use this as a way to be accountable to myself. I never do all the readings, I skip classes, and I never do all my homework. Honestly, I have never found I really need to, I still have a 3.6 and will graduate with a bachelors  and four associates degrees. But there was always a bit of  "oh no, am I ACTUALLY going to pass?" Truth is I am a suck up, a great bullshitter and I take tests really well. I figure if I make myself "report" any readings, skipped classes and missed homework it will give me some form of accountability. I live in a dorm, and "self punishment" would never work for me seeing as its knowing that I let someone down that works, and Jay is more about the big things. You know things involving cars, (drinking/texting while driving for example) I kind of always wished Jay was more about the little things but I don't see him enough. But I need to do something, I could have done better, and I feel like a hypocrite, yelling at my cousin. I should add "participating in class" to my list of things I should work on, but I am soooo afraid of being wrong, I know I won't do it. I may add "take meds everyday" to this list, I suck at it. Well not quite true, I make a conscientious effort to not get up and take them even if I remember.

I also intend on writing about TTWD. I love spankings, I like pain, I like being dominated. I don't like punishments, but I know I need them. I have a lovely dom, and a great deal of in person friends who are into TTWD and the more online friends the merrier. I will write a more detailed description of my history with TTWD tomorrow. I also like writing spanking stories so from time to time, those too will make their way up here.

Although I don't really intend to use this to rant, I am spending my 8th consecutive semester housing with 4-5 hormonal college girls. Sometimes its just too much to handle so I reserve the right :)

So I think I will wrap up this post with some random about me facts. I love the color teal and green though I have recently become obsessed with the color pink. Jay knows me better than anyone in my life, and if it was up to me, I would spend every moment with him for the rest of our lives.  I had brain surgery when I was 16, was abused as a child (no that is NOT why I like spankings) and I struggle everyday with self-harm as a result the song "defy gravity" from the Musical Wicked is basically my theme song. I intend on tattooing it to my foot in May. I have an obsession with turtles that some would call unhealthy. I was given a bracelet from almost all of the most important people in my life and I wear them every day in order to remember I am loved. I self-identify as bi-sexual (not a phase), a feminist (specifically a sex positive feminist), and an activist. I am  quiet until you get to know me, then beware. I dislike being in  large of groups of people at parties for instance and prefer intimate gatherings. I don't know what I want to do with the rest of my life but I know I love children. If I could do anything I would be a photographer, but I have not set myself up for that at all because of the family ridicule  Maybe someday?. I love music, harry potter fanfiction, and my dog. My favorite movies are Letters to Juliette, the Avengers, Iron Man (1+2), White Christmas, and the Newsies. I am wicked stubborn, and I overthink everything. Both are trait Jay would tell you he hasn't spanked out of me yet. I love making things for other people but feel shy and dorky when giving them said thing. Tamora Pierce is my favorite writer, besides J.K. Rowling. I have come a LONG way in the past three years and I have no intentions of going backwards.

I hope you stick around and read. Please feel free to comment. I promise to update twice a week, if not you can spank me ;)


  1. Hi Rae,

    Welcome back! Best wishes with your final semester and this brand spanking new blog.


  2. Hi Rae,

    I'm glad you decided to resume blogging. I remember Lexan Motivation well.

